Macroeconomics & Economic Growth
Prerequisites: Matrix Algebra and Applications, Mathematical Analysis, Control Theory, Ordinal Differential Equations.
In this course, we focus on models of economic growth, and specifically, we analyse the mechanics of economic growth, technological change and sources of income and growth differences across countries. The course has the following objectives: (a) to familiarise students with a set of issues and questions that are central to macroeconomics; (b) to develop some of the most important tools of dynamic economics; (c) to provide an insight into some of the key issues in economic growth. The analytical context of the course is as follows: Harrod–Domar Model, Hicks Model, Kaldor Model, Goodwin Model, Leontief Model, Solow Model, Overlapping Generations Model, Endogenous Growth Models, Capital Accumulation, Externalities, and Human Capital, Technology Diffusion, Directed Technical Change: Endogenous Skill-Bias and Endogenous Labor-Augmenting Technological Change, Competition and Technological Change.